
Infinifactory Adds Mac Support

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Infinifactory was released to Steam’s Early Access program Tuesday, by developer Zachtronics, the same minds behind the cult-hit puzzle game, SpaceChem.

Designers intend to continue making improvements to the game throughout the Early Access creation process, and they’ve continued to do so. The latest updates have included graphical boosts in production zones and several under-the-hood adjustments with keyboard control options. Plans are also in the works to include additional mini-campaigns.

Zachtronics describes Infinifactory as “a sandbox puzzle game… [where players build] factories that assemble products for your alien overlords, and try not to die in the process.”

Announced in early Nov. 2014, the puzzle game’s final version is expected in another three to six months and will remain the same price as the Early Access edition.

Infinifactory is currently $24.99 for Windows and Mac, available for download via Steam. The title will also be coming to Linux though its release date has yet to be announced.

Source: Steam


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